Guided Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse

Let Go and Let Grow

May 17th – 29th

This 12 day Guided Ayurvedic cleanse is a gentle yet effective way to clear the body of unwanted toxic metabolic material.

Based on the traditional Deep cleanse of Ayurveda known as Pancha Karma this cleanse will incorporate pre- and post-cleanse assessment with Cory, group zoom check-ins and instructions for each phase, daily self practices, mono diet of kitchari, gentle yoga asana, breathing and meditation practices.

Classes will be held online via Zoom — Join from anywhere!

Group Schedule:
  • Zoom Cleanse Introduction Session
    Monday May 17th
    9am HST / 3pm EST
  • Zoom Cleanse Check in and Instructions for next phase
    Wednesday May 20th
    9am HST / 3pm EST
  • Zoom Cleanse Check in and Instructions for Basti phase
    Saturday May 23rd
    9am HST / 3pm EST
  • Zoom Cleanse Check in and Instructions for Rejuvenation phase
    Tuesday May 26th
    9am HST / 3pm EST
  • Zoom FINAL Cleanse Check In
    Friday May 29th
    9am HST / 3pm EST
  • $197

Wondering if you need a cleanse?

Do you…

struggle with digestive difficulties of any kind?

suffer from constipation, loose stools, or irregular bowel movements?

have intense cravings for spicy, salty, or sweet foods?

frequently lack energy or feel exhausted?

suffer from anxiety or stress?

have trouble sleeping or waking up?

have trouble focusing?

tend to feel foggy-headed or lethargic?

not feel as well as you think you should?

If you experienced any of the above signs and symptoms, a cleanse would be perfect to give your body just the pep it needs to sail through the coming year with fresh energy and enthusiasm!

Would you like to…

Boost your immune system

Increase your vitality and energy levels

Achieve optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients

Improve your mental clarity and reduce over-all fatigue

Relieve digestive discomfort such as gas, bloating and constipation

Relieve pain and discomfort through out the body and mind

Is a Cleanse right for you?

Cleansing is an energetic draw; the body will be working hard to detox, and this takes tremendous energy. Cleansing is not for everyone, if you are experiencing any of the following this cleanse in NOT for you:

  • Pregnant or breast-feeding women
  • Women who are menstruating or who would start menstruating during the cleanse
  • Persons with acute illness
  • Persons unable to stop drinking or smoking
  • Those under the age of 17 or over the age of 80

If done correctly, a cleanse strengthens and revitalizes your digestive fire throughout the system. Cleansing helps to eliminate toxins that might otherwise inhibit your body’s intelligence. It serves to initiate a powerful process of renewal and healing on many levels. Treat your self to this tailord cleansing experience, designed specifically to awaken your inherent healing ability!

Some Details of an Ayurvedic Home Cleanse

The main purpose of a cleanse is to allow the digestive system to have a break so that in can more thoroughly work on clearing built-up toxins in the deep tissues. Toxins accumulate due to wrong food combining, undigested foods, and unprocessed thoughts and emotions. Lifestyle choices  can also play a role in the accumulation of toxins.

By eating a simple yet nourishing diet, oil therapies, and engaging in reflective practice, you will begin to bring your whole being into balance with nature. This protocol also includes gentle breathing exercises along with yoga practice to facilitate radical change in your health and happiness.

Traditionally an Ayurvedic cleanse happens in phases. There is a special order that maintains the efficacy of this wonderful detoxification program!


Internal Oleation
Oil is ingested to rehydrate the deep tissues of the body. This allows toxins to lose their grip and slide off towards the digestive tract for elimination. Internal oleation is much like moistening a kitchen sponge to release any dried food particles that have accumulated. Without oleation, those toxins and other morbid waste by-products will continue to clog up your body.


External Oleation and Purgation
After three days of internal oleation it is time to further soften the body with external oil. This ensures that the body is strong and flexible enough to endure the intense cleansing protocol ahead. This also further binds toxins near the surface of the skin to be rinsed off in a hot shower.

kitchari1A simple mono diet will be implemented to give the body high quality nourishment while also being extremely easy to digest. This allows you to focus on detoxification rather than digesting a heavy complicated meal. The food will act as an internal purifier to further bind and remove toxins from the digestive tract through elimination.

Optional medicated herbal enema will be self administered to ensure the proper direction and function of the internal ecosystem.  Relieving GI disorders, pain and fatigue.

breathingGentle Yoga and Breathing Practice
Suggestions will be given to support your personal detoxification process with breathing exercises and yoga specific to your constitution and individual needs.

ShirodharaAyurvedic Treatments

Additional Optional treatments are available such as Shirodhara, Netra Basti and Abhyanga to aid your intention of fully clearing any stagnation, congestion, or toxins from your deep tissues. Visit our Treatments section for more information or speak with Cory to see if one of these would be ideal for you.

It is important to give yourself ample rest and opportunities to reflect after all the intense cleaning your body just did. The most essential phase of this Spring Cleanse Program is the rejuvenation process. The body must be gently reintroduced to your regular diet, lifestyle, and activities. Without proper rejuvenation, the benefits of all your hard work will be lost.

Your Cleanse Includes

  • Instructional Guidebook with daily check-lists and expert tips
  • Herbal Recommendations and guidelines
  •  An Ayurvedic Pre Cleanse assessment (Via Questionnaire and email follow-up)
  • Personalized support via phone, email or text. 
  • Online Group Support Forum
  • Instructional Videos and Handouts
  • Diet guidelines and recipes
  • Yoga Asana, Pranayama and Meditation Guidlnies
  • A 15% discount on any Ayurvedic Treatments in my private practice  
  • A 10% discount on supplies ordered from Banyan Botanicals

Deluxe Ayurvedic Cleanse Kit along with other cleanse items are available from

Banyan Botanicals

Sign up for your Cleanse here: Register


If you would like additional support Cory will be available for Ayurvedic Consultations to help assess more specific guidelines for your cleanse. If you are interested in a pre-cleanse consultation for an additional fee please contact Cory. Cleanse clients will receive a 20% discount off Full Ayurvedic consultations and 10% off treatments.

Ayurvedic Consultations