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Maintain the Cleanse: days 3-7

  • MONO-DIET  of Kitchari, After 2-3 days you will now transition in to a mono diet of Kitchari.(recipe) This is all you should be eating for breakfast lunch and dinner. I like to make my dal separate from the rice , this way i can have plain rice with coconut, cinnamon and ghee for a light breakfast.
  • Favor condiments such as fresh lemmon/lime, ginger shredded coconut and ghee.
    • Ghee or Flax seed oil should be added to your diet. 2-4 tbls spoons per day of either one. You can drink warm alone first thing in the morning followed by a pinch of salt or ginger tea… or add to your food.  My guess is that you’ll wan t o add to food and not alone. If taken lane it can take some time before you will be ready for food. Please monitor your self closely. Make your own Ghee!
  • Some helpful churnas to assist digestion are Hingvastak and Trikatu
  • Continue all the other items on the list.
    • Daily Bowl Movement
    • Wash face, mouth and scrape tongue.
    • Each morning after cleaning the mouth place about 1-1/2 table spoons of sesame oil in the mouth and swish for 5-10 minutes. DO NOT SWALLOW! Spit out and rinse the mouth with warm salt water. This practice assists the body in eliminating toxins.
    • Sip warm water through out the day. Stay hydrated. Drink lots of water.
    • Have 2-4 cups of Ginger and or peppermint Tea each day.
    • Take 2 tablets of Triphala (or ½ teaspoon of powdered Triphala) 1 hour before bedtime.
    • Daily Self Massage

This is the deepest part of the cleanse.

Make time for personal space. Eliminate all unnecessary activities and social gatherings.  Don’t take on more projects, in fact less in more now. The body is cleansing, gentile yes but a cleanse non the less.  Eliminate as much as possible any form of technology, only do whats necessary.

Your Yoga practice should support this process. Gentile restorative practices that support and nourish you. This is not the time to hit the gym or take that really hard yoga class you’ve been meaning to get to.  Surrender and Rest should be your mantra  during the cleanse. Surrender your need to do, surrender toxins, surrender to the process and Rest every chance you get!

A few Yoga suggestions…
  • Slow Sun Salutation x 3 sets. Keep the movements slow and connected to the breath. Remember start by stepping back with the right foot, second round starts with left. Both sides equal one set.


  • Trikonasana aka triangle with a block: hold for 5-7 breaths


  • Supported Matsyeasana aka fish: simply lie of the back with a bolster, rolled blanket or matt placed under the shoulder blades. 5 minutes


  • Supported Balasana aka child posture 3-5 minutes


  • Supported paschimotanasana aka seated forward fold. 1-3 minutes


  • Reclined twist: 5-7 breaths each side


  • Nice long savasana. 7-15 minutes.


Pranayama: Breathing exercises
  • Full Yogic Breath- deep full breathing – 5-10 minutes a day
  • Nadi Sudhi – alternate nostral 5 minutes or so.
  • Bees Breath: 7-9 breaths
  • Meditation: Any form of meditation or simply sitting still and quite with all the attention on the breath.  15 minutes or longer.

Next: Reentry