Learn the Secrets of the Pulse (Nadi Pariksha) from the lineage of Dr. Vasant Lad from one of his lead instructors, Cory Tixier. Sensitize your fingers and open your mind to accessing the essential nature of a person by diving into their sacred flow of prana. Weave the technical with the intuitive for deeper insights into you and your clients’ state of health. Pulse diagnosis takes years of diligent practice to master. This 5 day advanced program will teach you the basics necessary to perceive your clients’ constitution at birth, any current doshic imbalance, weakness in internal organs, and basic emotional well-being. Every aspect of a being can be felt through the pulse if one knows how to listen. Come practice with us and take your assessment skills to the next level.
• Introduction to Ayurveda
• Overview of Doshic Theory
• What is Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Diagnosis)
• 7 aspects of pulse (gati, vega,bala, tala, akruti, tapamana, kathinya)
• 7 levels of the pulse overview
• 1st and 7th levels Prakruti and Vikruti theory and practice
• Determining a person’s constitution at birth as well as any current imbalance
• Organ pulses – How to feel for strengths/weakness and doshic effects on the organs
• How to interpret those sensations
• Assessing the emotional well being of a client
• Clarifying pushing and blocking of doshas – How does it feel in the pulse.
• How to translate your analysis into treatment?
• Putting it all together with more practice!